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A Wholly Different Way of Living: San Diego, California 1974 27th February 1974 16th Conversation with Dr. Allan W. Anderson 'Religion and Authority - 2' A: Mr Krishnamurti in our series of conversations we have reached, it seems to me, an especially critical place. In our last discussion together we touched on the question of authority, not only in relation to what is out there, that we project, and what is out there that faces us, literally, but also the question at the deeper level of my relationship within that. And a point where in the enquiry, in going deeply into myself, in self examination, there is a point of boggling, when one boggles, one is hesitant, and trembles, there is a real fear and trembling that occurs at the birth of that enquiry. And I think you, at the conclusion of our former conversation, were moving toward a discussion of that in terms of its role in the religious life. K: That's right.
Labels: Mind Soul - Jiddu krishnamurti